Importance of Family

Family? What does it mean? Simply, a family is everything. It is where we began to love. It is the reason why we people live our life. Our family is love. Everything begins within a family. People can sacrifice anything or everything just for the sake of each family. And each one of us has its own family that can be with us whatever happens. That can stand beside us in every up and down of our journey.
All family members share an equal part while shouldering responsibilities within the family. This will make the family complete and all members are happy. This is very much required in society because a good family makes a good society and a good society makes a good country.
Family is important because it provides love, support, and a framework of values to each of its members. … From their first moments of life, children depend on their parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs.

Importance of Education

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Education is a very important tool for everyone to succeed in life and get something different. It helps a lot in lessening the challenges of life’s difficult life. …Education plays a paramount role in the modern technological world. Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all through life. Getting proper education is very necessary to get success and happy life just like food is necessary for a healthy body. It is very important to live a luxurious and better life. It develops the personality of the people, provides physical and mental standards, and transforms people’s living status. It promotes the feeling of physical, mental, and social well being by providing a better life. A good education is constructive which constructs our future forever. It helps a person to improve his/her status of mind, body, and spirit. It provides us lots of confidence by giving us the bulk of knowledge in many fields. It is a single and vital way to success as well as personal growth.

Advantages and Disadvantages of lock down

Advantages of lock down:
Sitting at home during COVID 19 is very useful thing because, it can save us from being affected by the COVID 19 and we can spend our time with our family, not being in a hurry like in the olden days when we wake up in the morning, go to office or school. It will be very hectic and sometimes we feel sleepy or even sleep! To avoid this god has given us some rest and when we go out like in the olden days people enemy to the nature by pollution, but now no one is going outside and there is no pollution, that is the biggest advantage of lock down.

Disadvantages of lock down:
Sitting at home during COVID 19 is also not useful because, we don’t get to do something and we get bored, we will always watch cellphones, laptops and television, that is not a very good thing because, it can affect our whole body, not only eyes, but in the olden days we used to do something like walking, playing and many more. We don’t get bored because we meet our friends and play with them, but when the lock down started, everyone was getting very lazy and were addicted to screens. The most important thing is that it was an economic loss for companies and many people loose their jobs!
Thank you

By A.V Sai Harish


All of us need a house even aliens. without a house we can do nothing and we can not be rich or do any business then we should be a beggar if we do’nt have a house then we can’t be safe from thieves,insects and snakes. there are many different types of house and the house name are stilt house,cottage,carriage and chalet.

difference between house and home

the main different between them is that house is concrete.House refers to a building in which someone lives. in contrast a home can refer either to a building or to any location that a person thinks of as the place where she lives and belongs to her.

Blog by A.S.Sai Bhargav