Guitar my passion

I got inspired by watching a movie called “A star is born” I watched Bradley Cooper play his guitar and I got attracted to it, the next day I asked my dad to join me in the guitar class, which I had in my school,I asked “Where will we buy a guitar ?” , my dad said ” When your guitar master tells me that you are doing well in guitar orally, because I already spoke to him and joined you.” I was like What ? and happy at the same time.

After two weeks ,my dad bought a Guitar for me and said ” Learn with joy.” that day I was very happy. Benefits of playing guitar are:
# Playing guitar is a form of therapy.
# Its good for your heart.
# It enhances your creativity.
# It enables you to express your feelings.

By A.V. Sai Harish

Our Solar system

Sun is the hottest star in our Solar system Mercury is so near to Sun that’s why venus is the hottest planet in our solar system and also smallest planet in solar system mercury is also the fastest planet in our solar system Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and earth is 10,000 billion trillion miles away from sun.