Color Blindness

Imagine yourself on a rainy day. How boring. The grey and dull colors makes us sigh. Suddenly, the rain stops. “Finally!”, may be your reaction. Just then, the sun shines yet again to form a beautiful rainbow. The colors are back in the sky and you break into a wide grin.


Color is a very important prospect in our lives. The world is filled with wonderful shades of green, blue, red, yellow, and many more. Unfortunately, while many of us enjoy the colors, some of us don’t. 


When is comes to color blindness, it is a inability of seeing some colors than the other. For example, people with Protanopia (red-green color blindness) tend to have an issue with seeing red and green shades of colors.


There are mainly 3 types of color blindness -:


1. Red-green color blindness/Protanopia (Most common)

2. Blue-yellow color blindness/Tritanopia (Less common)

3. Complete color blindness/Monochromacy (Uncommon)


By reading all of this, if you have some difficulty identifying some colors, just test yourself first, then if you are about 75% sure, go to a doctor for genuine tests. If you are 100% sure, (thanks to the doctor), just brush it off.


This may sound as the worst advice you have heard, but you can’t sulk about it. When life turns it’s back on you, you turn your back on it. There is no known cure for color blindness, but there are contact lenses and glasses that help you in your daily life. Moreover, think yourself as a unique guy/girl, having superpowers.


It might be a little hard to identify colors and to enjoy it like the others, but this is your life and your sight. Whatever you see is what others see too, because,

We Are One!!

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