Will we be able to ever “Fully Recover” from the coronavirus?

We all are certain that the coronavirus is something that will go down in our history books. But will it continue even after we get the vaccines?

The amount of vaccines being made and shipped is extremely fast. Most doctors, nurses, teachers, and elderly are able to take it. Soon everyone will have access to the vaccine. But the vaccine does not solve the majority of our problems. We must note that the vaccine only prevents serious illness and death. People can still get the virus and also transmit it to others. Another thing we don’t know is how long the affects of the vaccine will work. It may end up becoming a yearly flu shot. Or we may never have to take it again. Though this is very unlikely.

It seems like this virus will stay for good, however I feel like people will quickly learn to adapt. Once herd immunity develops and the death cases slow down due to the vaccine, we may be able to return back to normal. It will still take a few years though. Meanwhile we can keep sanitized, wear masks, and maintain all safety precautions.

We can reopen schools with students wearing masks or even have some classes on zoom. Malls and amusement parks can open with a limited amount of people who are wearing masks. Travel can resume, and test sites should be easily available. These are some ways we can safely reopen.

Keep in mind these are my opinions and this may not happen! After doing quite a bit of research I put together the best way to summarize the Covid-19 situation in this blog. Regardless of when it will end it has taken 2.5 million lives and 113 million have been affected. I hope everyone stays inside and stays safe.

Thank you,
