The History of New Year Resolutions

A New Year starts with a New Resolution. As we are coming to the end of 2020,I decided to look into the History of New Year Resolution. So, buckle up! We are going about 4000 years back!


The ancient Babylonians are said to be the 1st people to make resolution during New Years. Back then in Babylon, a year started by mid-March, when crops were planted. During this time, The people choose new kings, repay debts and return borrowed things.


A similar thing was going on in Rome, when Emperor Julius Caesar was king. He established January 1 as the beginning of a New Year. Ancient Romans used to offer sacrifices to Janus, the 2 faced God.


Even the early Christians used to have resolutions. They used to wish to be better than the past year. They also had New Year Eve and watch night services. People would stay till midnight in church to begin the New Year in prayer.


This year, We are not able to celebrate New Year like this, but At least, lets begin 2021 with a fresh resolution!!