My Teacher’s Day Speech

A very Good Morning to one and all present here.


Today, on the auspicious day of Teacher’s day, I am here to deliver a speech on the Importance of Teachers.


Now let me tell you a story. One day, a teacher asked her students about their ambition. Many students said Doctor, Engineer, etc. But one student said, I want to be a teacher.” The teacher asked “Why?” He gave his answer “Behind every doctor, engineer or any other occupation, there is a teacher” The teacher, her eyes filled with tears, hugged the boy.


What that little boy said was true. Education is essential to be someone in the society and our dear hardworking teachers are the mediators. Whether the teacher is a male or female, teaches Maths or Science, is strict or lenient, a teacher is a teacher and that is a universal truth.


Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are like the building blocks of society who educate people and make them better human beings.


A teacher is one who does not merely focus on our academic performance but our overall development. Only then can a student truly grow. Thus, good teachers will understand their student’s problems and try to deal with them correctly. They make the student feel like they always have someone to talk to if they are alone.


To conclude my speech, teachers are our friend, parent, role model, guardian and much more and we must always remember the lessons taught by them.

Thank You and have a Happy Teacher's Day!!