oof everyday washing your hands wearing a mask sanitizing everything isnt it a very big torture but guys any bad thing happens in life look at it from a new perspective we have just seen that it is a big torture but how much it has helped us it is alot taught us new things u have to agree now many people in our class live not in Banglore yet we are able to do this class right and in this class we have got our fears and emotions of us learned how to talk to people in my case i learnt so many things which i don’t think i could have learnt if covid was not there . i found new version of my self i never knew i could be a poet but sitting at home made me one . i learnt how to play different types of instrument’s learnt how to cook and learn about animals and etc i made new friends but the most important thing we all learnt is to be with our family . we would not have got 24/7 to be with them in my case my dad use to go to office at six cause it was far 7 : 30 i use to go to school my mom use to go to office after i went and came back at 7 so did my dad and they were always tired and so were we but now we are always together which make us so happy but the best thing for me is the i got irritate my sister all day long we have also spent and helped mother nature before i had 5 to 6 plant but now i have 15 or 16 we have helped the lakes also cause there was less pujas and less pollution but there is one thing we all learnt and it is very important any dark time come in your life {covid} try to light the the inflammables means look at the bad things from a new perspective like today i told u if i wouldn’t have seen covid like this i would be so depressed actually al of us would . so friends anything in our way we dont brake find another way around it
-Ishika Mukherjee .