Hi, I am Vihaan, I was tossed onto this world in 2011 and landed in U.S.A Denver Colorado, Which makes me 10 now.
As a small kid I liked to play in the snow and with Diecast cars.
One thing that I used to do for fun is a toy truck which holds 39 hotwheel cars in it. I used to sit on it and ride it. It is one thing I have even 10 years down the line.
At that point of time I had only 1 friend, Who lived far away from me so I didn’t visit him that much. Later on I Had more friends.
I Usually go on a trip to India as most of my relative’s live there and now I live in India
My favorite trip was a cruise I went on when I was 4 I hardly remember anything except a monkey made out of cloth and a song they sang to wash our hands called “Washy Washy”
When I went to school I always used to think how big the pickup area is as you can run a marathon over there but not with all the traffic. I studied in that school for 4 years. And 1 year in montessori.
When it was time to move to India and didn’t want to because I lived in the U.S.A for 7 years. I am leaving everything and coming to India. My mom and dad kept telling me in an apartment I would have more friends and I can play more.
I slept most of the flight and I skipped 2 meals.
Later I started making friends just like my mom and dad told me.
My school was just like the one in the U.S.A but I knew most of the stuff in 1st grade so my parents kept me in 2nd!!!!
In a year COVID-19 came and I couldn’t go and play, school etc… But I was still able to meet online but it wasn’t fun. Then I got Minecraft which is good and I am able to have fun playing Minecraft with my friends.
I even completed a whole school year online that too in 5th and I had my graduation yesterday and I am in middle school now!!!!! Today is my first day of the holidays!!
Right now my hobbies are Cubing(Solving a Rubik’s cube), Coding, Playing Tennis and Playing Minecraft