The stork and the crab

How many people of you read pancharnarat? Well basically almost everyone. You all most than that they give us a moral lesson and it is interesting also. Fascinated by this I have taken my favorite story from that.

   Once upon a time, there lived a stork by the side of a tank. There was plenty of fish in the tank and the stork always had a full meal. As the years passed, the stork grew old and found it difficult to catch fish for food. Sometimes, he would be hungry for days.

The stork thought of a plan. He stood by the tank with a sad look on his face. He did not attempt to catch any fish. The fish, frogs, and crabs in the tank noticed and asked him what the matter was.

Stork: “I have heard that some humans will soon fill this tank and grow crops over it. There will not be any fish left alive. This makes me sad.

The fish were very worried and asked the stork to help them.

Fish 1: “ dear stork please help us. We don’t want to vanish.”

Stork: “ok fine I will”

Fish 3: “how can we trust him like that, it could be a trap set by him”

Fish 2: “aishiss its nothing like that ”

So like that ..

Fish 1: “thank god, I did not get targeted by that stork”



Fish 4: ‘Anyway it is all in the past let’s just continue our work’

And just like that the day went on but vowed never to trust their enemy words like that and as for the crab… well let’s just say he was declared a hero of the tank….

The end…….

Unity In Diversity!

Hey Guys, It’s me. Maybe by now, you all must have already known my topic, so let’s get started. But before that, I have one quick question. How do u think our culture is different from other states? (Hint: I am talking about the Indian States!)

Well, Of Course, we differ in our religion, clothing, language, festivals, etc. We may be different in many ways but we are ultimately humans. You must have heard that India is called a Diverse Country. Let me tell what is the reason behind this through a story –

Once upon a time, there lived two neighbors in a happy cheerful kingdom. Their names were Raafta and Ram. One neighbor was Muslim and the other was Hindu. There were not just neighbors but also very close friends. They would go to work together, eat together in short, they did everything together. Many days passed in happiness, but one evening on EID raaftar was sad because he did not have anyone celebrate this time. His old parents lived far away and even his sister. While in deep thought, a small boy came and said that his neighbor is invited u to dinner. He was puzzled and thought why he has called me on a such day? When he reached, to his surprise. Wait, I won’t tell you further I want u all to guess what could have happened there that made raaftar shocked?

Well yes, He was shocked because in that room there was a variety of food laid on the table and along with that his parents and his sister were there! Raaftar was in tears after so long he was meeting his parents and his sister, after all. He thanked ram for bringing his parents and his sister. After a heartful dinner, He asked ram, why did he do this for him? Ram said He wanted to do something good so people from outside counties can understand “We may be different in culture but we are born by the same god, same land we are united in diversity.”

So, you see, we may be different in religion, but we can still be friends if we remove our religion aside for one day at least, we can see the true colors of the rainbow. Rainbow of Unity in Diversity.

Generating Confidence

Reneesa Kumar

Wait a minute, before we go to the depth of this topic. I have one question for you all. Have you ever been to any situation where you feel your confidence was low? Well, their many cases we face like weak in a subject, etc. Now the question arises, what is exactly Confidence? Actually, even I don’t know what is confidence but, in my experience, I think, Confidence is your belief in your ability to figure things out. As you know we need confidence in ourselves so I am going to tell you 5 steps to have more confidence in your life. 

  1. Decide You Need No Reason to be more Confident – You don’t need 50 peoples to tell you are amazing or beautiful. You have to just say to yourselves “You know what today we lift my head up a little bit, you know today I’m gonna give myself a little bit of credit. I am just gonna be confident. I am gonna walk into this room and stand tall as if I was an incredibly confident person for no reason.” That’s the power of intention, it’s the power of self – directed human being that we get to choose how we want to feel you could be happy right now for no reason. You don’t need 50 things to make you happy. You have to just sense the moment feel grateful for life. 
  2. Integrity – Integrity Being aligned with who you are your values your beliefs and your dreams. For example – Keeping your promises even if it takes extra effort.

3. Competency – A competency is the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully perform. For example – Teamwork, Responsibility, etc.

4. Momentum – Momentum is the key to Confidence. When we stop having momentum in our life, we often feel lost or confused. For example – Do something tiny every day.

5. Community – You know that we need people around us and who are supportive, positive, and buoyant and who appreciate our sense of aliveness, joy, and happiness in life.

I hope these 5 steps will boost your confidence. “In fact, the confidence of the people is worth more than money.”– Carter G. Woodson. With this, I would like to end my speech. I hope you enjoyed it.

Leisure Poem

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this is if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare. 

Importance of Yoga

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word, ‘YUJ’. It means to join, connect, or unite. It is the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga is 5000 years old Indian philosophy. It was first mentioned in the oldest sacred text – The Rig Veda (Vedas were a collection of texts containing mantras, spiritual information, songs and rituals to be used by Brahmins, the Vedic priests.

Yoga is being practiced in Indian society for thousands of years. A person doing yoga will move from one posture to the other called Asana. Yoga benefits people who practice it regularly.

The form of exercises performed in Yoga is called ‘Asana’ which is capable of bringing about the stability of body and mind. Yoga Asana is the simplest and easiest way to reduce our excess weight and keep fit.


Yoga originated in ancient India thousands of years ago, long before the first religion or belief system was born. It is believed that Shiva is the first Yogi or Adiyogi and the first guru. Thousands of years ago, on the banks of Lake Kantisarovar in the Himalayas, Adiyogi shared his knowledge into legendary seven sages as it was hard to put all his wisdom and knowledge in one person. The sages took this powerful yogic science to various parts of the world, including Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and South America. India is blessed to have found the yogic system in its fullest expression.

The fossil remains of Indus-Saraswati civilization are evidence of the presence of Yoga in ancient India. This presence finds a mention in folk traditions. It is included in the Indus valley civilization, Buddhist and Jain traditions. According to the studies, Yoga was being practiced under the direct guidance of a Guru and its spiritual value was given a lot of importance. Sun was given the highest importance during the Vedic period and that’s how Suryanamaskar was invented later on.

However, Maharishi Patanjali is known as the father of Modern Yoga. He did not invent Yoga as it was already there in various forms. He assimilated it into the system. He saw that it was getting quite complex for anyone to understand it in any meaningful way. So he assimilated and included all aspects into a certain format – Yoga Sutras.

The role of breath is very important in the practice of Asana or Yoga positions. Breath is a vital force and our body requirement of oxygen changes depending on our actions. If we exercise then we require more oxygen hence the breathing becomes faster and if we are relaxing then our breathing becomes relaxed and deep. In yoga, the focus is integrated on the breath while indulging in slow movements as well as while doing complete Asana. Yoga promotes smooth and relaxed inhalation and exhalation during the practice.


Yoga is only partially understood as being limited to Asana. But people fail to realize the immense benefits yoga offers in uniting the body, mind, and breath. Yoga can be opted and practiced by any age group and any body size. It is possible for anyone to start. The size and the fitness level don’t matter as there are modifications for every yoga asana according to different people.

Importance of Money

Money is all about being self-dependent – Money makes you self-dependent which means that you are no more dependent on anyone but can fulfill your life’s desires on your own. With the help of money, you can buy anything you like and need not ask others for it. So you can say that money gives you the power to be self-dependent and there is no better feeling than this.
No financial problem – Money gives you the ability to put an end to your financial problems but this is only possible if you manage it in the right way. Even with less salary you can make out the most of your investments and have a stable life. Many people earn a lot of salaries but are in debt because of the mismanagement that leads to numerous problems. So make sure there is a perfect management of your finances which keeps you stress-free.
Live life to the fullest – The real joys of life come with money. Like, you can go on a vacation only if you have money. If you wish to live a lavish like you require money for it. So to live your life to the fullest you need money so that you can get everything that you are looking for. The luxuries of life can easily be purchased with the money thus enabling you to live a happy lifestyle.
Free to take your decisions – As already discussed above, money gives you power which means that you are free to make your choices and make the decisions that are best for you. One need not depend on anyone or feel any pressure as it is your life and you have the right to do what you want to. Thus you can take decisions easily no matter what the situation is.
You can offer a better life to your family – If you want your family to be happy, money is something that you will need the most. Apart from the basic requirements of food and clothes, you need to pay the fee of your children, take them to new places, buy computers, etc. All this is only possible if you have money and by fulfilling the needs of your family you can bring a smile on their face. You wouldn’t like to see their sad faces and will try your best to meet their requirements.
Help others in times of need– If you have the money you can help others you need it. There are many times when your friends and relatives would go through a crisis and may need your financial help. In this case, you can easily lend money and help them to combat the difficult times. You can give money to a charitable trust as well where your money is used in the proper way to help other people. Though it is entirely your choice and decision to give money if you have, one can always help others. From the above facts, you can say that money gives you the right to do a lot of things and that is why it is necessary to have the right amount. But the problem is that people run after money. Even the wealthiest person will want more and will try ways to make money. No one is satisfied with what they have and hence most of their time is wasted in thinking about how to increase the money. They forget to enjoy their life and just focus on how to get money. So do explore ways to make money but also enjoy your life and give time to your family.

Importance of Nature

Nature is the natural environment that surrounds us, cares us, and nourishes us every moment. It provides us a protective layer around us to prevent the damages. We are not able to survive on the earth without nature like air, land, water, fire, and sky. Nature includes everything around us like plants, animals, rivers, forests, rain, lake, birds, sea, thunder, sun, moon, weather, atmosphere, mountain, desserts, hills, ice, etc. Every form of nature is very powerful which can nourish as well as destroy us.
Now a day, everyone has less time to enjoy nature. In the increasing crowd, we forgot to enjoy nature and improve health. We started using technological instruments for our health fitness. However, nature indeed has the power to nourish us and fit us forever. Most of the writers have described the real beauty and advantage of nature in their writings. Nature can make our mind tension free and cure our diseases. Because of technological advancement in the life of human beings, our nature is declining gradually which needs a high level of awareness to keep it in balance and to conserve natural assets.
God has created everything very beautifully seeing which our eyes can never be tired. But we forgot that we too have some responsibility towards our nature to the relationship between nature and human beings. How beautiful scenery it looks in the morning with sunrise, songs of birds, sounds of lakes, rivers, air and happy gatherings of friends in the evening in the garden after a long day of crush. But we forgot to enjoy the beauty of nature in just fulfilling our duties towards our families.
Sometimes during our holidays, we spend our whole day watching TV, reading newspapers, playing indoor games or on the computer but we forgot that outside the door we can do something interesting in the lap of nature ad the natural environment. Unnecessarily we left on all the lights of home, we use electricity without need which ultimately increases the heat in the environment called global warming. Our other activities like cutting trees and forests increase the amount of CO2 gas in the environment causing the greenhouse effect and global warming.
If we want to be happy and healthy always we should try our best to save our planet and its beautiful nature by stopping our foolish and selfish activities. To keep the ecosystem in balance, we should not cut trees, forests, practice energy and water conservation, and many more. Ultimately we are the real user of nature so we should take care of it.

Importance of Tree

Trees are beautiful and useful gifts of nature. Trees are great friends of men. Trees give us flowers, fruits, timber, bamboo, fuels, etc. We can rest under the cool shade of a tree. We get wood from the trees to make furniture, doors, windows, etc.
Trees are also a great source of materials for paper, rubber, gums, herbs, and medicine plants. Forest brings clouds and causes rainfall. Trees prevent soil erosion. They protect us from severe weather.
Importance of Trees: Trees are a part and parcel of earthly life. All life directly or indirectly owes its existence to them.
Trees release oxygen which we need for our life. They also absorb carbon dioxide.Trees are the natural habitat of many animals and birds. Trees help make the land fertile. We get good crops out of fertile land. They are sources of fruits and flowers. They offer us cool shade during summer. During the rainy season, we take shelter under the trees. Trees and plants are the sources of many supply life-saving drugs. They prevent land erosion and guard us against pollution. Thus, trees keep up the ecological balance. Trees protect us from inclement wind also.
Conclusion: Thus, trees play an important role in our life. Felling of trees disturbs the eco-system. We should preserve trees and plants with great care.

If I had the power to erase something permanently, what would be it and why?

Good Morning Teachers and my dear friends. I am Reneesa Kumar and today I am going to say a few words on a topic given if I had the power to erase something permanently, what would be it and why? If in the world anybody else would have the power they will use it for there own good but if I had the power instead of them then I will use it for every one good. I will use the power to kill the deadly Coronavirus. Because of this virus, many lives have been taken. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes, and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol-based rub frequently and not touching your face.
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).
At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, many ongoing clinical trials are evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the new coronavirus outbreak, which originated in Wuhan, China, a pandemic.
As of July 30, the global death toll surpassed 673,000 amid at least 17.3 million cases. More than 10 million people have recovered from the disease worldwide, according to the data collected by the Johns Hopkins University in the United States.
The coronavirus family causes illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), according to the WHO.
They circulate in animals and some can be transmitted between animals and humans. Several corona viruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.
The new coronavirus, the seventh known to affect humans, has been named COVID-19. The WHO recommends basic hygiene such as regularly washing hands with soap and water, and covering your mouth with your elbow when sneezing or coughing.
Maintain “social distancing” – keeping at least 1.8 meters (six feet) between yourself and others – particularly if they are coughing and sneezing, and avoid touching your face, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid unnecessary, unprotected contact with animals, and be sure to thoroughly wash hands after contact. #Stay Home #Stay Safe

Importance of Reading

Reading skills are essential to success in society today the ability to read is highly valued and very important for social and economic advancement. Most children are beginning or trying to talk around the age of two years. This is a time when language skills are just starting to develop.
Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life. A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you.
Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer, and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries and without them, today’s knowledge of our past ancestors, cultures, and civilizations would have been impossible. Have you ever thought what would have happened if intellectuals never documented their studies?
On the 23rd of April, the world celebrates World Book Day. This day is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books, and most importantly reading. The main aim of World Book Day is to encourage children to the pleasures of books and reading. The reason for choosing this particular date is interesting. The 23rd of April is a symbolic date for world literature because it is the date of death for many great authors and poets such as William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes, William Wordsworth, and many others.
In my opinion, reading is the perfect hobby and I am sure that a lot of people would agree. There are a lot of wonderful reasons why reading is important. Here are a few reasons why you should consider reading a book:
To expose yourself to a new thing: Through reading, you expose yourself to new things, new information, new ideas, new ways to solve a problem, and new ways to achieve a goal. Reading might help you discover hobbies or exploring things you didn’t know you like. Exploration begins with reading and understanding.
To improve oneself: Reading helps you understand the world more. Through it, you begin to have a better understanding of a topic that interests you. Self-improvement starts from reading, through reading you have a better understanding and better decisions to take in the future.
To improve your understanding: The more you read the more you understand things completely and helps you find the truth about something. Through reading, you learn more about society and how to adapt to it.
To improve your imagination: You are limited by what you can imagine, all the worlds described in books as well as views and opinions by other people, will help you expand your understanding of what is possible.
To reduce stress: Studies show that reading reduces stress. The participants in this study only needed to read silently for a few minutes to slow down the heart and ease tension in the muscles.
To improve your memory: When you read you have more to think. Reading gives you a unique pause button for understanding and insight. The benefits of this increased activity help to keep the memory sharp and the learning capacity agile.
To entertain oneself: Reading has an entertainment value. Reading is not only fun, but it has all the added benefits that we discussed so far. A good book can keep you entertained while developing life skills.
Even though it usually too early of an age to expect a child to read, there is no reason why the parent cannot start the reading process by reading aloud to them. Instilling reading into a child’s life can prove to be one of the most valuable skills that they will ever learn. As a result of reading books, the child will be more likely to read and speak in front of people.This is a very marketable skill to have in the workforce and for school. One of the effects that reading has on a person is the ability to understand more terms or words, over a while. This is communal referred to as comprehension. Reading can be a challenge but is one that must be met accordingly to succeed.

Importance of Discipline

The word ‘Discipline’ is derived from ‘disciple’. In ancient times a disciple always obeyed his master unconditionally which is a very necessary thing for all of us.
Discipline is valuable not only in the life of an individual but also it should be a motto to all of us.
Student Life: It is a vital necessity mainly in academic life and also in student life. We should mind that today’s student is the man of the future. They are the citizens of future days. So, discipline in life becomes an institution to build up the ideal character of the students.
Society: Discipline form the backbone of a nice and beautiful society. Discipline is virtually the soul of the main society. All members of a society should be ordered and they have to submit to the restrictions of social codes. These types of social prohibitions are mainly called the discipline in his life and days which always rings about welfare in some better forms. Disciplines always bring about the welfare of the society in the same form. The spirit of discipline always inspires the people and also the society in a good way where we can go to a better stage of people.
Army: Mainly an army man has the best discipline in his life which is usually the best instance to anybody in any people’s life. It is also said that an army is the best example of the work of a person of disciplined work. The spirit of discipline inspires the soldiers in conformity and obedience to set different rules.
Family: Usually all members of a family also obey the instructions of the family head’s order which is also an indication of discipline. All the members of the family always try to obey those orders which usually say to them.
Law and Order: Always standing in a queue and observing punctuality and also maintaining the law and order, helping the problems of a woman is the example of social discipline. It is a confirmed word that no nation can move properly without the way of discipline.
Conclusion: It is said that discipline is the fruit of dedication and punctuality. It is mainly needed in everyday life.

Importance of Water

Water is the most important substance in the world, a necessity utilized by living things for survival but also necessary for several processes. Water is vital in our life due to the following reasons. It is essential for our survival. Apart from this, water is needed in industrial units, production units, and the agricultural sector. Water is needed by microbes, animals, plants, and everyone. The human body is comprised of 75% of water and thus we are water bags only. Water permits blood flow through the vessels to help distribute essential nutrients and minerals throughout the body. It also allows the waste matter to get eliminated from the system. The great need for water becomes apparent when one feels thirsty. The transparent liquid is precious and everyone loves water when it moves down the throat.
Even the civilization of mankind started near to the rivers. Men began establishing themselves from the Tigris, the Nile, and the Euphrates. Major rivers all across the globe played a vital role in the evolution and development of mankind. Water is being used regularly for drinking, for washing clothes, for cooking or any activity you can think of. Drinking water in large amounts can protect our hearts. Staying hydrated is a fabulous way to offer a boost to our brains so that the organ performs at its optimum level. The human brain receives much-needed oxygen with water only. Apart from this, weight watchers and diet conscious people can lose weight by drinking more and more water. It improves the metabolic rate and helps to burn fat. To stay active and energetic, one needs to consume a lot of water. Drinking water keeps you alert, active, and improves energy. Whatever we eat in our daily lives comprise water. Nearly 2/3rd of the earth is covered by water. The vast expanse of oceans and seas has been the source of food and the major means of traveling. Seas and oceans comprise millions of fishes and aquatic animals that are a source of food and means of survival. The majority of mankind loves to eat fishes even if they avoid eating meats. For most individuals, fish is an important part of the diet. Waterways are important components of this earth. Huge container ships and oil containers tend to ply the water routes. If there is drought or scarcity of water, animals, plants, birds have to suffer a lot and most of them perish.


Friendship is essential for the successful wellbeing of every person. It is based on the simple rules of trust and honesty. A true friend is a person you can always count on when you face challenges and serious problems. He or she always offers a shoulder to cry on in case something wrong happens. Your soulmate always listens to your problems, gives you a good piece of advice, and never talks behind your back. A true friend is never envious of your accomplishments and achievements. This person respects you and keeps all your secrets. You can always tell your trusted friend your flaws and be sure that your revelations are safe. A good friend is always loyal to you and never lets you down. Being trustworthy is a very important factor in any friendship. True friendship is a reward for all the good we do in our life. A true friend is there for you in the times of need, he makes you smile when you forgot how to, and lift you up when you cant not lift up yourself. A true friend is one who never deserts you and is your inseparable companion in the time of happiness and sorrow. However, it is necessary to judge people correctly in order to make the right choice of a true friend. We should be very careful as there are a lot of people who can easily deceive others in order to gratify their self –interest and achieve their aims. This person should help you move on the right path. You should be patient and have a sense of tolerance to maintain a good friendship. There should be no suspicion and no disbelief in such kind of relationship. True friends are worth more than all the treasures of the world. Friendship is doing your best to make your friend happy. Friendship is forever, no matter what. It is the most wonderful relationship that every person can have if he or she is loyal, dependable, kind, caring, and loving. True friends try to avoid conflicts and do everything possible to make their relations stronger. Some people can even make sacrifices and risk their lives for a friend. True friendship is something that cant be expressed with words. Friendship is being able to cry together. Friendship is being foolish together. It is being mad at each other. True friends are always ready to protect each other from being hurt emotionally and physically. It takes time and patience to build a strong friendship and achieve trust between two soulmates. It is very important to have somebody with whom you can share your thoughts freely.
A good friendship is very difficult to come across. That is why we should appreciate this divine relationship that is based on understanding and feelings. There are a lot of benefits of friendship. We just need friends to live happily. Lasting friendship is a blessing for everybody. We don`t have to pretend to be someone else when we spend time with our friends. They give us total freedom to be who we really are. We should be grateful to people who make us happy. A true friend is one of the most precious possessions that one can have in his life.


Kindness is the act of being kind/ polite to others. Kindness means being gentle/ caring or generous/ friendly with others.
Kindness costs nothing but it can help to make our planet a happy place to live.
Kindness plays an important role in deciding the level of success in an individual’s life. Kindness helps to bridge the gap between 2 individuals.
Nobody likes to hang around unkind people or people who put them down or mistreats them. Saying simple words such as ‘thank you’ is not hard to use to show gratitude towards others. Kindness depicts an individual’s characteristics.
One should not focus on other’s weaknesses and faults. You must ignore it by saying- ‘take care’, ‘never mind’. Such gestures will always help others to improve and remember you. Kindness helps to create positive surroundings. It is a universal language. It is a language that a blind can see and the deaf can hear.
Kindness cannot be defined in proper words but in simple words, kindness can be defined as a caring and righteous attitude towards others. Kindness is complex to define but simple to realize. To show kindness no 2 persons need a common language. It can be shown through your acts. Kindness never goes futile. It is one of the 7 virtues.
Showing kindness can make you feel human and impart joy to the recipient. Every individual is taught lessons of kindness through his/ her religion. Be it Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Hinduism, or any other religion all teach kindness. Kindness begins at home. If you can show kindness towards your siblings and other family members then only you can be kind towards the rest of the world. Be kind towards your office colleagues and neighbors to create a positive social environment wherever you go.
Kindness not only means being good to human beings but it also means human beings should not indulge in sinful or cruel activities towards living creatures. It is said that in return for the kindness we get kindness. For instance, when we nurture plants will love, care, and affection they grow big and bear fruits. These fruits are in the form of a response in return for our kindness.
Similarly, nature also has its own unique way to express kindness and gratitude just like humans. It should be noted that kindness should never be treated as a virtue that needs to be showcased in a few situations. Instead, it should be adopted as a basic behavioral human characteristic. To lead a happy and successful life we must learn to adjust kindness in every sphere of life.

Importance of Exercise

Exercise refers to physical activity and mental exertion, carried out to maintain physical health and mental fitness. The benefits of exercise can be seen in everybody’s life.
Good health: One can’t keep good health without proper exercise. Prevention is better than cure; and the best means of guarding against disease is exercise. One who is weak in health often falls an easy prey
Fit for outdoor work: A man, without taking exercise, may, fortunately, escape disease, but he keeps indifferent health and is hardly fit for active outdoor work.
Alert Brain and memory: Young boys and girls reading in schools or colleges and enjoy good health by taking out some-time for exercises. They should take sufficient exercise to counteract the effects of excessive brain-work, often in small and ill-ventilated rooms. Diabetes, which is a common disease with educated men in our country, is due to excessive brain-work coupled with neglect of exercise.
Vigor and energy: For the victims of indigestion or dyspepsia, exercise is a great tonic. If they take a regular course of exercise even for a month, they will find most of their ailments gone, and their body and mind will regain vigor and energy.
Physical strength: A strong and manly stature is the outcome of years of exercise. If exercise is regularly taken, every bodily organ functions properly, giving rise to a feeling of joy and cheerfulness. It is a proven fact that through regular physical exercise one can attain immense physical strength.
Various types of exercises and their benefits
There are different kinds of exercise suited to different constitutions. The forms of exercise that are almost always recommended nowadays are:
Morning walk is the first is more common and is suited to almost all constitutions.
Gymnastic exercises are best gone through under the guidance of an experienced teacher. To weak constitutions, gymnastics may be positively injurious.
Free-hand exercises can be easily practiced by all.
Yoga helps us to control both the mind and body.
Sports and exercise
Sports such as swimming, climbing, cricket, football, hockey, basketball, etc. are simple and quite popular. They were both useful and amusing.
Walking as an exercise is not entertaining except in a congenial company or through a place where the scenery is interesting. It is admitted by all that walking is the most suitable exercise for all old people. The games of cricket, football, soccer, etc. combines social enjoyment with physical exercise and have now become popular sports. Rowing and riding are also good forms of exercise but the latter is not open to the poorer classes.
Both mental development and physical exercise is necessary for success in life. Exercise is essential for having a sound mind in a sound body. Our limbs grow stronger by constant physical work. We should also train ourselves in several kinds of gymnastic exercises. However, taking out some time to rest is as important as exercise. Over-exertion weakens the organs. Thus, you should aim at maintaining a balance between work, rest, and exercise.

Importance of Family

Family? What does it mean? Simply, a family is everything. It is where we began to love. It is the reason why we people live our life. Our family is love. Everything begins within a family. People can sacrifice anything or everything just for the sake of each family. And each one of us has its own family that can be with us whatever happens. That can stand beside us in every up and down of our journey.
All family members share an equal part while shouldering responsibilities within the family. This will make the family complete and all members are happy. This is very much required in society because a good family makes a good society and a good society makes a good country.
Family is important because it provides love, support, and a framework of values to each of its members. … From their first moments of life, children depend on their parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs.

Importance of Education

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Education is a very important tool for everyone to succeed in life and get something different. It helps a lot in lessening the challenges of life’s difficult life. …Education plays a paramount role in the modern technological world. Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all through life. Getting proper education is very necessary to get success and happy life just like food is necessary for a healthy body. It is very important to live a luxurious and better life. It develops the personality of the people, provides physical and mental standards, and transforms people’s living status. It promotes the feeling of physical, mental, and social well being by providing a better life. A good education is constructive which constructs our future forever. It helps a person to improve his/her status of mind, body, and spirit. It provides us lots of confidence by giving us the bulk of knowledge in many fields. It is a single and vital way to success as well as personal growth.

Importance of Time

Time always goes forward, It doesn’t move backward. Time is a very valuable thing. Once, the time goes, it can be never get backed. No one can go their past and change their life. Because time doesn’t move backward. The past time can be never retrieved.
Everything in the universe is just because of the existence of time. Nothing happens before time. Everything needs time to be done. Without the existence of time, it’s impossible for any event in the universe. A bit of second is also very valuable. The existence of time is very necessary for the existence of any matter in the universe.
Most of the people in today’s world give their value to money. All the people in today’s world think that Nothing is valuable than money.  But, money also cannot buy a single second of time. Time is precious and very valuable. Even, the richest people in the world cannot buy a time of 1 second. Once, the time passes, it never backs. Time is very precious. We should always try to save time. Time, Is very important for everything.
We should always manage our time in such a way that, our no time should be wasted in the unnecessary things. One with the management of the time is a successful person. To get success in life and to be a great personality, one must always learn to manage the time.
Today in this technological era, everyone lives a useless life. These people don’t have the value of time, This people don’t have time management plans, they waste their time everywhere.  These people are no one, but they are those people who are unsuccessful people in the world. And later, what they achieve by wasting time ?. Nothing!.
As a student, one must always try to manage his/her time in order to become a good student and achieve the best marks. The age of students is just like a test. At this age, students have a lot of time. The thing that they have to learn and apply in their life is “Time management”.
Employees, workers, teachers and everyone should have the value of time in order to do our work great. If one will focus on their work, then the more time will be saved and this will help them to do their best in their life. A life without “Time management” is very boring, useless, meaningless.
If we read the biographies of great and successful people, then we will come to know that, these people always give importance to their time. The great personalities which are the most successful today always gave importance to the time. They always manage their time and they don’t waste the time.
Time is really very precious and priceless. No one can buy it or even no one can stop the time. Time always goes forward. Our human life is of 70-80 years, a person who will always give importance to time and always manage his/her time will be a successful person and live a happy life. We should, always gives importance to the time and save our time.
Time cannot be reversed.  Once the time passes, it can be never backed. We cannot go in our past to correct our mistakes and do whatever we want. Because time never backs. It is really very precious. We should always do Time management in order to live a proper life.
The great personalities and successful people always keep their sight on the watch. And, they are aware of the passing of time. Time should be used properly, should be saved and time should be always managed.
People must have the value of time in their hearts. Time never stops it passes continuously. It is very easy to pass our time, but, if it had to be retrieved again, then it’s impossible. At last, we can say that Time is the greatest resource that we have. It should be used and managed properly.


Good Morning teacher and my dear friends. My name is Reneesa Kumar. And today you will be knowing more about me! I was born on 30th September 2009 at 6:30 am. In Tapsawi Hospital, Bihar, India. Right now, I am studying in DPS Sharjah and I am a student of grade 6. I may have been studying and living in Sharjah, U.A.E but I am still an Indian from my heart.

As you all know, there are lots and lots of colors to choose from red to white, but my favorite color is Purple and Dark Blue. Each child has his or her strength and weakness, even I have. I can sing, dance narrate or write an essay, story, etc., well. But I can’t draw, skip, or run fast, etc. In school we learn so many subjects, my favorite subject is English and Hindi. Fears are common for everyone, even I have. I am afraid of cats and dogs. My all the time favorite cartoon show is Tom and Jerry. My favorite character in this cartoon show is Jerry.

Every Summer Vacation I visit my extended family who lives in India. Whenever I go there, I usually only meet my parent’s mom and dad, I am looking forward to meeting my parent’s siblings family. Even though I travel, my wish is to travel to different destination mostly those places which are filled up with many cultures and traditions. I have already traveled to Rome, Florence, London, Venice, Pisa, Darjeeling, and

and Indonesia. My favorite transport is Aeroplan and Train because they are fast, easy, and comfortable to travel from one place to another. When I grow up, I want to be a Doctor. My target is to cure many ill patients as much as possible because I want to be satisfied with what I do at the end of the day. Wait a minute, let me ask you a question? How many of your parents aware of your behavior and how many of you aware of your behavior? According to my family that I am a joyful, irritating, and mischievous and explorer too. Oh! I forget to mention, one of my aspects of my life that is my role model my mother. She is the one who gets up early and the last one to go to bed. She is the only one who corrects me from wrong to right. She is the one who often says that I am born with immense talent, which I have yet to harness.
Before I leave here is my mantra “Believe in your selves ”
Thank you!

Magic Balls

Once upon a time, a king used to rule over the Greeks. Every king in other countries is fit and healthy. But this king was a different one, he is a lazy king. One day, the king fell ill many doctors came to cure him. But they all failed to do so because they knew that the king has fallen sick because he does not exercise if they say to the king they think that the king would ignore them and would punish them. But there was a very clever doctor. He went to the king said that he could cure him. The king agreed without thinking because he wants to be healthy again. The doctor checked him after that he went out of the room,after some time he came with heavy balls. He went to the king told him that this is a magic ball and also told him that he should lift this ball every morning or evening. The king followed the doctor’s advice after, some days the king saw many changes in him. He paid the doctor a huge amount and also appointed him as the royal doctor. The foolish king never realized that the balls which the doctor gave to him was not magical but an ordinary ball!