Anytime have you have been given a task to complete, but thy feel that you are running out of time.You look at clock then again do work,again look at clock. Let’s face it,this is majorly due to lack of time management or not doing your things on time. How does time management help you.I will tell 6 points on benefits of time management
It improves your self-discipline Let’s face it, if you have good time management skills, the chances are that you’re highly self-disciplined. You’re the kind of person who stops procrastination dead in its tracks and drives forward to achieve your goals. This self-discipline improves other areas of your life too, from your career to your relationships. In other words, the better you get at time management, the better your self-discipline will be. This will make you more successful at meeting goals in all areas of your life. Before , when I had no idea of time management , I always did my work at last moment some time even got delayed in work and even missed the submission date many times. Got quite marks cut, felt like I had no discipline. Only till when I started applying time management in my life, I made fix routines of work, did a bit of the assignment everyday and on final day of submission, I felt relaxed and more confident.
It improves the quality of your work Having good time management skills doesn’t mean that you pull all-nighters to meet a deadline. It means that you manage your time effectively and space out your work while keeping your regular sleeping routine. According to research, almost half of Americans regularly get insufficient or low-quality sleep and report that this interferes with their daily lives. You need a good night’s sleep if you want to produce quality work; good time management skills will help you get the rest you need. During fourth standard I always got my exam schedule 2 weeks before the start of exam I completely relaxed till eve of the exam.That night I always took out my book first time to get ready for the exam of next day. I woke up till late night. Then, I started using different method . I started studying everyday and at evening before exam I did final revision , I felt relax, confident ,got more sleep ,Overall I felt great for next day.
Winding down is essential Between work, family commitments and running errands, most of us don’t get enough time to relax. If you want to have enough time to unwind, relax and prepare for the following day, good time management skills are essential. You need to know how to organize your work times and your break times to recuperate mentally and physically after a long day’s work. My friend studies a lot, he does many other stuffs like drawing, singing and many more things. He never got time to relax himself ,he used to sit at 9 and get up at 5.He got stressed and irritated, then I suggested him to take 10 mins break after every 2 hours. might be walk in home.He did that and now he feels better then ever eventhough he did not shift his time of 9am to 5pm
It reduces stress Take a few moments to reflect on your day: Do you feel as though you’re always busy, but accomplish little? Is there something that’s been keeping you up at night with worry? Are you unable to complete your work? If you answered “yes” to one or more of those questions, you’re likely feeling stressed. When you don’t feel as though you have control of your time and are always frantically working to meet deadlines, it’s highly likely that your health is suffering. Time management skills can help to reduce or even eliminate stress. Good time management skills will make you more productive, helping you to meet your deadlines and lowering your stress levels.
It opens up new possibilities One of the hidden dangers of poor time management is that it kills your chances of broadening your horizons and trying out new things. If you go through life rushing from one task to the next, you never have the chance to explore different opportunities. With more free time, you may be able to volunteer at a local charity or help someone in need. It’s hard to put a dollar value on these types of tasks but they are innately fulfilling and enriching. My friend, who was quite busy everyday felt sad. He wanted to learn new stuffs, wanted to learn new things but did not have time to he always felt he wanted to learn but lack of time was the reason. But when he arranged or managed his time ,he saw how much time he had left.He started to learn new things in that time
Reason #6
. It helps your personal relationships Good time management skills are essential to having strong and productive relationships. The more free time you have to spend with your friends and family, the better your relationships will be. You’ll make better decisions, have better ideas, and people around you will notice. Stronger personal relationships will enhance all aspects of your life.
Now also do you really feel that you should not manage your time. Which would help you even more. That's up to you I would like to end with a quote “
One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” – Tony Robbins